The Turquoise Shoe & Other Stories
Works from this series were shown in a solo exhibition in 1994 at the Provincetown Art Association and Museum
(Provincetown, Massachusetts)
Veiling oneself has always been a feminine act, whether actual or metaphorical. It can indicate reverence or modesty, self–protection or submission. It can whisper of things not revealed. While this series of works could be interpreted as political-–sexual or otherwise-– it is first about the search of a woman trying to find her source. It is a spiritual journey, but the use of bones and shells, eggs, and nests, insects and hair and animal parts keeps her deeply connected to the physical world. The works were originally inspired by a woman who travelled around the world and disappeared in Zanzibar. Later, through unusual circumstances, I acquired some of her belongings-–her luggage, postcards she sent home, some photographs, diary notes and so on. I was strangely moved by her and by her courage to travel through this dangerous world, wanting to become whole. Not all the things I reveal about her are fact, but they are all true.